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Tuổi 09-03-2013, 12:13 PM   #1
Trả Lời: n/a
VPS can't start "ERROR: Container 204 has reported that the system configuration is b
VPS can't start "ERROR: Container 204 has reported that the system configuration is broken. Container will be shutdown"


I can not start a vps on windows 2008 SP2 64 bit. I tried to move another hardware node still same error.

C:\Users\Administrator>vzctl --verbose start 204
Starting container ...
INFO: Notify container 204: stopped none -> stopped starting
INFO: start_vps_locked: container 204
INFO: VpsVolumeMount(C:\vz\Private\204\root.efd, {23ddd6a0-1ac8-4598-a6a2-d4648
4e70812}) DISK_TYPE = 3 : 2
INFO: Completed successfully VzhiveMount: "C:\vz\Private\204\root\vzquota" "D:\v
z\Templates" "windows_2008_std_sp2-6.0.6002-20090623"
INFO: FixVpsRegistryLinks CT204
INFO: FixSBcoreInSCT CT204
INFO: VzhiveMapHwProfile CT204
INFO: VpsDriveReadAndMountAll CT204
INFO: VpsVolumeMount(C:\vz\Private\204\lpbk0000.efd, {7be7f2ed-5e45-42dc-b971-2
8d9d1ec4437}) DISK_TYPE = 3 : 2
INFO: UpgradePerfCountersRegistry CT204
INFO: mount done CT204
INFO: Patching security database...
INFO: Done!
INFO: searching path D:\vz\root\204\C\Users\*.*
INFO: disabling scrnsaver for Administrator
INFO: disabling scrnsaver for Default
INFO: disabling scrnsaver for Plesk Administrator
INFO: disabling scrnsaver for psaadm
WARNING: No IP addresses for CT adapter (MAC=00:ff:c0:d3:06:b3)
INFO: Setting CPUPOOL 'default' for CT 204: AFFINITY = F CPUS = 2 NUMA = 0
INFO: KlpcOnRootTerminalSession ctid=204 seid=3
INFO: KlpcOnNewTerminalSession ctid=204 seid=5
INFO: KlpcOnRootWinlogon ctid=204 pid=3932
INFO: KlpcOnLogonUI ctid=204 pid=6952
INFO: KlpcOnLogonUI ctid=204 pid=6952 event fired
INFO: Container 204 requested REBOOT action
ERROR: Container 204 has reported that the system configuration is broken. Container will be shutdown.
INFO: KlpcShutdownRestartVps ctid=204 restart=0
INFO: Notify container 204: stopped starting -> running none
INFO: Notify container 204: running none -> running stopping
INFO: stop_vps_locked: container 204
INFO: CT204 private memory limit = 1048576 peak = 43060 usage = 41196 failcnt =
Container is mounted
Container was started


I found in event log

Code integrity determined that the image hash of a file is not valid. The file could be corrupt due to unauthorized modification or the invalid hash could indicate a potential disk device error.

File Name: \Device\HarddiskVolume1\virtuozzo\Drivers\vzcore.s ys

Cách Fix

1. Remote vào Server Hardware Node

2. Vào PMC start vps đang bị lỗi lên

hoặc gõ lệnh sau trong CMD

vzctl start 204

3. Mở Regedit trong CMD và tìm đến HKLM\vz204\MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Servic es

Tìm 2 Mục có tên là: plesksrv và poppasd

Thay đổi giá trị Start up từ 2 thành 3

Start lại VPS bình thường

Chúc ý: Trong quá trình tìm và thay thế thông số Start up từ 2 thành 3 thì VPS có thể bị Stop lại, Nếu VPS bị stop thì trong Regidit sẽ không hiện VZ204 vì vậy hãy start lại VPS, tìm và thay thế 2 giá trị trên thành 3 rồi start lại vps là xong


The main issue lies on Plesk side and container was able to start only after setting startup type of plesksrv and poppasd services to "manual". I did the same by changing the start value to 3 in HKLM\vz110\MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Servic es


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