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Tuổi 09-09-2009, 07:24 AM   #1
Avatar của adminphuong
Gia nhập: Jul 2009
Trả Lời: 152
How do I increase backup timeout in VZAgent configuration?
How do I increase backup timeout in VZAgent configuration?


To change default backup timeouts directly in VZAgent configuration you may adjust /etc/sysconfig/vzagent/vzagent.conf file on hardware node (in backm/configuration/timeouts/backup section), by default it should be set like the following:


To increase vzbackup timeout you may increase value in <backup> tag, just for example to increase it up to 2 hours 3600 should be replaced with 7200.

For remote backups it is also may be required to check/adjust configuration of remote hosts access in servd/configuration/default_remote/default_timeout (remote host will be disconnected after this time of inactivity), by default it should be already set to 360000 seconds:


Also, it is recommended to decrease search timeout in backm/configuration/timeouts/search to 300 and add default_timeout value in opd/configuration/backm/default_timeout (please note, it is does not exists by default):


So, the following parameters could be adjusted:

backm/configuration/timeouts/backup 7200
backm/configuration/timeouts/search 300
opd/configuration/backm/default_timeout 7200
servd/configuration/default_remote/default_timeout 360000

Please note, VZAgent restart is required to apply new configuration in case of adjusting parameters directly in configuration file. To restart VZAgent services you may use the followingcommand on hardware node:

# vzagent_ctl restart

In case of using Virtuozzo Management Console (right click on the node > Tasks > Manage VZAgent Configuration) it should be enough to use Apply button on VZAgent configuration screen and no VZAgent restart is required in this case.

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