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Tuổi 09-03-2016, 10:39 AM   #1
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Hướng dẫn cài đặt Hostbill trên CentOS, how to install hostbill on Centos
Hướng dẫn cài đặt Hostbill trên CentOS,
how to install hostbill on CentOS


The following tutorial assumes you've read the HostBill Requirements (System requirements) section and have configured your server to permit HostBill to function correctly.

You can use automated install script that comes with current HostBill editions. All you need to do is run one bash command on your fresh CentOS 6.x install.
Installation instructions / command to use for this fast method are emailed automatically after HostBill purchase. This script automatically installs webserver, database, and HostBill with dependencies. for you.

Before Installing HostBill

Database Setup

  1. Create a database.
  2. Create a database user.
  3. Add the user to the database and grant all permissions / privileges.
File Preparation

  1. Download the HostBill files here after logging in.
  2. Upload the HostBill files to your domain's public directory.
  3. Extract the files in the same directory.
  4. Rename the config.php.example file to config.php.
  5. CHMOD /templates_c folder and config.php to 777.
Installing HostBill

Install HostBill

  1. Visit replacing with your HostBill's installation location.
  2. For this example, we're going with Standard Installation. Click that.
  3. Read and Accept the terms by clicking Agree.
  4. Leave localhost the same unless your database is located on another server.
  5. Enter the database name, database user, and database password.
  6. Click Check to test your connection, then wait for HostBill to install.
  7. Paste your License Activation Code in the license key field.You can purchase a license key by Clicking Here.You can find your license by Clicking Here after logging in.
  8. Click Activate. Your HostBill license is now successfully installed and activated.
By default, the HostBill username and password are admin. You'll have to follow the next few steps to change them. Login to HostBill and continue with the post-installation steps.

Post Install & Cleanup

HostBill has a Country Profile feature to get you started. You can select a profile, or click Cancel to customize your profile yourself. If you're from any of the countries included in the country profiles, it's suggested you select a country profile to speed setup. Country profiles automatically setup correctGST, HST, and VAT taxes and do some of the early stage work for you.

It's time to cleanup your HostBill installation.
  1. Delete or rename the /install folder from your domain's directory.
  2. CHMOD /includes/config.php to 444.
  3. CHMOD /admin/cron.php to 755.
  4. CHMOD /admin/pipe.php to 755.
It's time to change your HostBill's password. Click on My Account within the HostBill administrative control panel located at the top right and edit your admin settings. Choose a strong password, then click Save.

And to finalize setup, you'll need a properly functioning cron job. Create a cron job pointing to the /admin/cron.php file set to run every 5 minutes.

*/5 * * * * php -q /path/to/hb/admin/cron.php

You're now ready to start using HostBill. Refer to the security guidelines for further enhancements.
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