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Công Cụ Xếp Bài
Tuổi 15-02-2012, 11:22 AM   #1
Trả Lời: n/a
Error: Microsoft SQL Server Shared Feature Directory (INSTALLSHAREDDIR, INSTALLSHARED
Error: Microsoft SQL Server Shared Feature Directory (INSTALLSHAREDDIR, INSTALLSHAREDWOWDIR)

Mô tả lổi

Khi bạn cài đặt Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 x64 Standard Edition... trên Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 x64 Standard Edition or window 2003 64bit bạn có thể sẽ gập 2 lổi sau:

Issue #1 - While the installation is 64bit, the Shared Feature Directory is hard coded as x86 - this is wrong.

Issue #2 - Error: "The INSTALLSHAREDWOWDIR command line value is not valid. Please ensure the specified path is valid and different than the INSTALLSHAREDDIR path."

Cách xử lý

1. Open the Registry Editor (Start -> run -> regidit)

2. Backup toàn bộ Registry (as a backup)

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-518\Components\0D1F366D0FE0E404F8C15EE4F1C15094]

3. Xóa key trên.

4. Đóng cửa sổ Registry Editor.

5. Mở cửa sổ CMD (Start > Run > CMD)

6. Đánh vào dòng sau:

[Path to Setup.exe]\setup.exe /action=install /INSTALLSHAREDDIR=”C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\" /INSTALLSHAREDWOWDIR=”C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\" (MSDN, 2011)


Trích dẫn:

[Path to Setup.exe]\setup.exe /action=install /INSTALLSHAREDDIR=”C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\" /INSTALLSHAREDWOWDIR=”C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\" (MSDN, 2011)

Chú ý: 1 dòng duy nhất

7. Nhấn Enter. Bắt đầu cài đặt SQl lại nếu không được thì bạn Restart lại Server và cài đặt lại

Chú y:

"INSTALLSHAREDDIR" is the 64-bit shared component files directory with a path of "Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server" (Microsoft Support, 2011)

"INSTALLSHAREDWOWDIR" is the 32-bit shared component files with a path of "Program Files(x86)\Microsoft SQL Server" (Microsoft Support, 2011)

Good - Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server
Bad - Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\


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