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Tuổi 09-08-2010, 10:32 AM   #1
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Enabling VPS + RRAS (Routing and Remote Access Service) on Windows 2003
Enabling VPS + RRAS (Routing and Remote Access Service) on Windows 2003 on Virtuozzo 3.5

Until the release of SP1 from Parallel’s, for Virtuozzo 3.5.1, you were not able to use either a VPN client or RRAS (as it depends on a VPN). If you attempted to do so, you’ve no doubt encountered the error below;

However if you do have the SP1 service pack installed for Virtuozzo 3.5.1 installed or your host for your VPS does, you can enable it.

To do so, you must log onto the vps node/cluster (if you are leasing your vps, you will need to have the host do so). Once on the node, you must enabled the VPN access by doing the following;

C:\vzctl set %veid% –vpn on –save.

Make sure you replace %veid% with the ID of the vps. If successful, if will reply back with Command ’set’ is successfully finished. Once this is done, you will need to restart the vps.
Once that is done, you can test the VPN by typing the following, on the vps node;

vzlist -o nettype 101

It will reply back with;



If you ever need to disable the VPN, you simply need to type “vzctl set

%veid% –vpn off –save”.

Please note this only supports Microsoft VPN clients only!

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