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Tuổi 08-10-2009, 10:29 PM   #1
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Windows XP NASA SP3 SATA 2010
Windows XP NASA SP3 SATA 2010

Windows XP NASA SP3 SATA 2010 | 753 MB

Windows XP NASA SP3 2010 with SATA .. Now avaliable with High-Technology and amazing specification make you takes off like rocket to unlimited world !! - It's fully stable, strong, NO system errors, Safe and faster 3 times than any other Windows ..- Added new technology used for the first time to double speed of the Internet 5 times faster than your current speed . High techniques to increase the VGA clarity and sound effects ..

Enjoy with supernatural performance to Graphics and Multimedia . - Charming appearance with high resolution Themes, Icons, Wallpaper, Buttons ..- The Great surprise .. You can change the windows appearance fully (themes,icons,sounds,screens,wallpapers..etc) To Windows Vista or 7 or Mac OS appearance with one click !! - Integrated SATA drivers + latest updates and hotfixes from microsoft + collection of the most important full and updated programs .
- Keep your privacy with function of hide your computer from the local network .

Release Name: Windows XP NASA SP3 SATA 2010
System: Windows XP Professional SP3 Original MSDN
Year: 2009
CD Key: Already Slipstreamed Original Key
Activation: Already activated
Install method: Unattended
Integrated SATA drivers
Integrated latest updates and hotfixes
File format: ISO
Size: 753 MB
Accept updates form microsoft

Added Programs:
Yahoo Masenger 10
Multi messenger Patch
Clean Unistaller
Avira Antivirus Personnal edition
yahoo messenger 10
Multiyahoo messenger regit
flash player
windows media player 11
K-lite Kodec
Mozilla FUirefox 3.5
Ultra ISO
Aero Ultimate7
Netframework 2
winrar 3.8
Crystal Rocket dock
True transperncy
Icon Pakager
EasySaver BB

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