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Tuổi 01-10-2009, 10:04 AM   #1
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Troubleshooting Vzagent on windows server 2008!
Virtuozzo: Troubleshooting and repairing service container

Here is one problem that I ran into once Virtuozzo server was rebooted.
The server came up ok without any errors but once I started Parallels Management Console I was getting the following error:
Connection to vzagent was closed [error 10061 (No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.)


So the first Thing I’ve tried was to remove the Node and add it in again, but it did not help. I was still getting the same error plus additional one:
Test the SSL connection to “serverName”.:
Connection to vzagent was closed [error 10061 (No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.)]
Test the SSH connection to “serverName”.: Connection to vzagent was closed

The second thing I’ve tried to do is to check the Service Container status.
To do that open command prompt and enter

vzctl status 1

This should tell you if the Service Container is running. In my case it was not.
So i started it by entering

vzctl start 1

The container has started but I still cannot access the Node.
So the next step is to reinstall the Service Container.
To do that start Virtuozzo Tools Configuration Wizard.

Untick Skip this step and click Next.

Click Yes when asked to for confirmation. This will recreate Service container.

Wait until the installation finishes and try to access the console.
Note: I had a case where my Service Console reinstall has stuck at installing Windows documentation or at other parts. If that happens it usually means that some file are corrupted. Try uninstalling all PIM updates and run service container installation again. If it still hangs during installation then toy will have to manually find the corrupted files. As a short term solution instead of cancelling installation you can simply kill installation task from Task Manager and then try to restart the Service console from Command prompt by entering ‘vzctl restart 1′. This can provide you access to the console but the web interface most likely will not work.

By Andrius

Hope that helps.

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