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Tuổi 31-10-2012, 10:55 AM   #1
Gia nhập: Jul 2009
Trả Lời: 245
Tìm hiểu lệnh /proc/diskstats
/proc/diskstats line format

Each line inside /proc/diskstats is having the following info format:
for sda (Full disk)
cat /proc/diskstats | grep 'sda '
8 0 sda 2461810 61427 148062742 6482992 660009 1544934 67900384 45642376 0 7162961 52128751
Field 1 -- # of reads issued
Field 2 -- # of reads merged
Field 3 -- # of sectors read
Field 4 -- # of milliseconds spent reading
Field 5 -- # of writes completed
Field 6 -- # of writes merged
Field 7 -- # of sectors written
Field 8 -- # of milliseconds spent writing
Field 9 -- # of I/Os currently in progress
Field 10 -- # of milliseconds spent doing I/Os
Field 11 -- weighted # of milliseconds spent doing I/Os
or for hda1(Partition only)
cat /proc/diskstats | grep 'hda1 '
3 1 hda1 25838 525266 1505217 12041736
Field 1 -- # of reads issued - This is the total number of reads issued to this partition.
Field 2 -- # of sectors read - This is the total number of sectors requested to be read from this partition.
Field 3 -- # of writes issued - This is the total number of writes issued to this partition.
Field 4 -- # of sectors written - This is the total number of sectors requested to be written to this partition

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