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Tuổi 14-11-2021, 09:49 AM   #1
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Fix: Loading module ipmi_si_drv esxi 6.0
Xử lý lỗi Loading ipmi trên VMware ESXi

fix VmWare ESXi boot stuck at ‘loading ipmi_si_drv’
Fix: loading module ipmi_si_drv esxi 6.0

HowTo: troubleshoot and fix VmWare ESXi boot stuck at ‘loading ipmi_si_drv’

Cách 1:

Step 1: Restart your machine. Its always good to go for the ‘when-nothing-works-try-this’ solution

Step 2: Be very quick and sharp about this step as it needs to be done in matter of seconds.

The moment you see a black screen with progress bar saying LOADING HYPERVISOR , enter SHIFT + o (the letter, not the number) instantly.
`shift + o’ is a directive to boot options of ESXi hypervisor.

Step 3: Now that you are on an interactive boot shell of ESXi, enter this command :

> noipmiEnabled

That will tell ESXi boot not to load ipmi drivers for next reboot.
* Careful, this you will need to do at every reboot of your machine

Step 4: now hit enter and and let it go through the booting process.

Step 5: watch without any panic , the ESXi now should load all modules except ipmi and there you are at login screen.

Cách 2:

First try setting IPMI to Shared in BIOS, if the option is available. When booting your installation media,

press Shift O to display the boot arguments and add noipmiEnabled to the boot arguments. Remember to do the same once the installation/upgrade is complete. Manually turn off or remove the module by turning the option VMkernel.Boot.ipmiEnabled off in vSphere or using the commands below:

# Do a dry run first:

esxcli software vib remove –dry-run –vibname ipmi-ipmi-si-drv

# Remove the module:

esxcli software vib remove –vibname ipmi-ipmi-si-drv

or try the following command in an unsupported shell connection:

esxcfg-module -d ipmi_si_drv

This disables the module although it still gets loaded.
Use a -l argument to see what modules are enabled/loaded and check that your desired one is disabled. This appears to be persistent across a reboot.

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