Xem và Xóa qmail queue (show and delete Qmail Queue)
Xem và Xóa qmail queue (show and delete Qmail Queue)
1. Xem Email Queue
- Log in to your server using SSH.
- Type su
- Enter the password you used to log in to your server.
- At the command prompt, type: /var/qmail/bin/qmail-qstat
- To list multiple messages in the queue, type: /var/qmail/bin/qmail-qread
Delte Qmail Queue
- Log into your server through ssh
- type this:
su -
- type this:
wget http://www.howtohacks.com/scripts/qmailclean.sh
- type this:
sh qmailclean.sh or sh ./qmailclean.sh
- done.
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