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Tuổi 09-12-2021, 05:35 PM   #1
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How to Enable ICMP (PING) through the Windows Firewall Cho phép ping trên Windows Fir
How to Enable ICMP (PING) through the Windows Firewall

Cho phép ping trên Windows Firewall

You will require the Group Policy Management Tools on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008, Windows or Server 2012. These are part of the Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) availabale form the Microsoft web site.

To enable ICMP on computers using the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security (Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012) please follow these instuctions.

  1. Edit an existing Group Policy object or create a new one using the Group Policy Management Tool.
  2. Expand the Computer Configuration/Policies/Windows Settings/Security Settings/Windows Firewall with Advanced Security/Windows Firewall with Advanced Security/Inbound Rules node.
  3. Check the Custom radio button and click Next
  4. Check the All Programs radio button and click Next
  5. From the Protocol Type: drop down list select ICMPv4 and click Customize…
  6. Check the All ICMP types radio botton and click OK.
    Note: If you want to limit ICMP to specific types Echo Request should be allowed as a minimum.
  7. You may choose to restrict what IP addresses ICMP is allowed to and from or check the Any IP address radio buttons to allow all then click Next.
  8. Check the Allow the Connection radio botton and click Next.
  9. Choose what profiles the rule will apply to. Check the Domain profile checkbox as a minimum and click Next.
  10. Add a meaninful name for the rule in the Name: field. Add a description if desired and click Finish to exit and save the new rule.
  11. Make sure the Group Policy Object is applied to the relevant computers using the Group Policy Management Tool.
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