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Tuổi 13-03-2012, 12:29 PM   #1
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Cấu hình hỗ trợ TUN/TAP trong Container cài đặt VPN
Cấu hình hỗ trợ TUN/TAP trong Container cài đặt VPN

Link tham khảo bài viết

----- Added 13-03-2012 at 11:27 AM -----


It appears that initiating load of the tun module in the /etc/rc.local is too late, as now tun module gets loaded the last one:
================================================== =====
[root@rs00076 rc2.d]# lsmod | egrep "^vz|tun"
tun 83840 2
vztable 37376 1 slm_core
vzredir 64652 0
vzcompat 35968 0
vzrst 230160 1 slm_dmprst
vziolimit 37632 0
vzsnap 51336 0
vzcpt 173368 2 slm_dmprst,vzsnap
vzfs 137384 8117 vzsnap,vzcpt
vzevent 37136 1 vzfs
vzdquota 78840 15 vzfs,[permanent]
vzlinkdev 38528 0
vzethdev 47520 0
vzlist 37504 0
vznet 65720 30 vzredir,vzlist
vzstat 45704 0
vznetstat 74668 3 vzredir,vznet,ip_vznetstat
vzmon 84248 19 vzrst,vzcpt,vzlist,vznet,vzstat
vzdev 36872 18 slm_if,vzredir,vzcompat,vziolimit,vzsnap,vzfs,vzdq uota,vzethdev,vzlist,vznet,vznetstat,vzmon
================================================== =====

So I went through couple of manuals and added a script to /etc/rc2.d/ to make it load prior to vz service.
Following commands were executed.
This creates an text file in /etc/init.d/ with name loadtun. Inside there is a command to load tun module:
================================================== =====
echo "/sbin/modprobe tun" > /etc/init.d/loadtun
================================================== =====
This command makes our text file an executable script:
================================================== =====
chmod +x /etc/init.d/loadtun
================================================== =====
This command puts a link to our file into the /etc/rc2.d/
================================================== =====
ln -s /etc/init.d/loadtun /etc/rc2.d/S50loadtun
================================================== =====

Link's name is S50loadtun. That is important.
First letter, S means that this will be started.
Next value - 50 - means the order to start this script. It will be started with the order 50. Lets check if it prior to vz:
================================================== =====

----- Added 13-03-2012 at 11:28 AM -----

Case 2: Check OK

[root@rs00076 ~]# lsmod | egrep '^vz|tun'
vztable 37376 1 slm_core
vzredir 64652 0
vzcompat 35968 0
vzrst 230160 1 slm_dmprst
vziolimit 37632 0
vzsnap 51336 0
vzcpt 173368 2 slm_dmprst,vzsnap
vzfs 137384 5711 vzsnap,vzcpt
vzevent 37136 1 vzfs
vzdquota 78840 10 vzfs,[permanent]
vzlinkdev 38528 0
vzethdev 47520 0
vzlist 37504 0
vznet 65720 20 vzredir,vzlist
vzstat 45704 0
vznetstat 74668 3 vzredir,vznet,ip_vznetstat
vzmon 84248 14 vzrst,vzcpt,vzlist,vznet,vzstat
vzdev 36872 18 slm_if,vzredir,vzcompat,vziolimit,vzsnap,vzfs,vzdq uota,vzethdev,vzlist,vznet,vznetstat,vzmon
tun 83840 2

tun is loading now before vzfs. Also
[root@rs00076 ~]# modprobe tun
doesn't give any error.

tun has also been configured for the container:

-bash-3.2# ls -la /dev/net/tun
crw------- 1 root root 10, 200 Mar 12 15:20 /dev/net/tun

----- Added 13-03-2012 at 11:29 AM -----
Case 3: Update

Actually the steps are almost the same as I described earlier, but with one difference, I was wrong when applied my workaround to runlevel 2 (put script to /etc/rc2.d/), when your server was actually running on runlevel 3(script should be in /etc/rc3.d/).

Following commands are to be applied in your case:
echo "/sbin/modprobe tun" > /etc/init.d/loadtun
chmod +x /etc/init.d/loadtun
ln -s /etc/init.d/loadtun /etc/rc3.d/S11loadtun

Then after the reboot modules will be loaded in appropriate order and you will be able to use VPN in the containers.

Last edited by hoctinhoc; 13-03-2012 at 12:29 PM.. Lý do: Hệ thống tự động gộp 2 bài viết liền nhau của bạn !
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